Superpowered creativity with excellence

Patrick Vlaskovits

We receive emails about Superpowered Audio Engine on a daily basis from developers who have chosen to super-power their development with our SDK. Yesterday, we got a slightly different email:

Hello Gabor, Patrick, or Superpower employee,

Greetings. I was going through tones of articles for audio decoders for mp3 and aac (i thought i had to write one from scratch) and jumped into your website. I was positively surprised.

Beautiful website, and far more beautiful Love letter. Many congratulations and compliments.

The love letter is very good, it connects in the beginning and then takes on smooth tour of what was side. To be specific, if i reflect, i find that "notion of empowering creativity with excellence" was probably most prominent element in making me like it.

Many congratulation again. Great creation.

If you haven't read it, please do read the Superpowered's story.