Music App Developer Feedback about Superpowered, Core Audio, zPlane, Amazing Audio Engine

Patrick Vlaskovits

An unsolicited email from an music app developer who just finished integrating Superpowered into his app.

Hi Gabor and Patrick,

I am contacting you on behalf of the whole team. I’ve been developing our product since late 2013 and I’m sure we must have a very similar story to many other developers in the music app development space.

My team started playing with Core Audio, moved onto zPlane and the Amazing Audio Engine, miss-mash of SDK's and then like a gift from the heavens late last year we found Superpowered! The team began testing Superpowered early this year and they ALL really like it.

I am personally based in Sydney, Australia and have two other members I work with in Europe (UK, NL). I’m the Lead project manager of a team of developers based in Chandigarh, India.

I wanted to send you this mail as an introduction email and thank you for what you have done to this point and for what you are continuing to do!!

Superpowered is "a gift from the heavens". :)

Thanks for the kind words. Feedback like that keep us focused on our true north: superpowering audio developers.

  • amazing audio engine
  • Core Audio
  • Superpowered
  • zPlane